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Brand: Smith Corona
Product Code: NAEN-3120330
Availability: 1

Price: $175.00
Ex Tax: $175.00

NOW DISCOUNTED: This typewriter is on the scratch-n-dent list because the dictionary does not work--meaning it thinks that every word is mispelled, and beeps.  This can be turned off, but it's on by default, and so it has to be turned off every time the typewriter is restarted.  Also, we have no coirrection tape for this typewriter--although it can be found, usually, on Ebay.

This is a very simple typewriter, a lot like the Brother SX4000.  It has a display, and you can type in line mode or in normal mode (in other words, you can make the typewriter print as you hit the keys, or you can write an entire line and it won't print until you've hit the return key.)

It's got a dictionary function, which, when activated, will beep every time it senses a misspelled word.  You might think that's useless if you're in normal type mode, but this typewriter also comes with a letter, word, or even entire line erase function.  It works pretty well, and erased letters are barely noticeable.

It's light, compact, and easy to carry around.  The manual I have was printed in 1995, which is why I'm listing this as having been made in 95--I honestly don't know when it was made.

If ordering outside the Cincinnati area, there'll be an added $30 for shipping.  If you're local, call me and set up an appointment, and I can give you a full demonstration, along with a crash-course on using manual typewriters.

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