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Brand: Royal
Product Code: royal_oyalite_01
Availability: SOLD!

Price: $275.00
Ex Tax: $275.00

This typewriter is going under the sratch-n-dent category for several reasons.  But before I get into those, understand that these Royal typewriters are unlike most of their other products.  We started with them being made in America: hard-core work machines that could take any amount of punishment.  But like everything else, the manufacturing eventually got shipped over-seas.  Japan, and a few others, I believe.  These models are junk.

But between the American and Japanese models, a few of them were made in Holland, such as this little beaute.

While it doesn't have near the sturdiness that the original Americans had, it certainly doesn't have the flimsiness of the Japanese models.  There's a certain crown of collectors who consider European models better than American.  I disagree with them, but I'm willing to admit that this traveling typewriter has a lot of redeeming qualities.  While the metal is thin, most of the adjustments can be made with set screws, instead of bending something into or out of shape.  And let's face it--that leather case is awesome.

Which brings us to the discount:

The case's zipper isn't fixable.  But once the flap is clasped, the typewriter is safely secured inside, so it's more of a cosmetic problem than anything else.

Also notice the rust stains on the spacebar, as well as some staining on the fronts of a few of the keys.

And finally, a few of the strikers do not fall immediately back into place. '4' and 'L'.  They don't hang in the way--they just don't quite slide back into their cradle.  This in no way interferes with the typing--even if you type extremely fast.

I could spend another hour fixing these two keys, but I can't erase the stains or fix the zipper, so I'm letting this go for rather cheap.

Please understand, ALL of the mechanical functions on this machine are solid.  I have gone through it with a fine-pic comb, and I wouldn't sell a machine I was worried about needing repairs in the next 4 years.

If ordering outside the Cincinnati area, there'll be an added $30 for shipping.  If you're local, call me and set up an appointment, and I can give you a full demonstration, along with a crash-course on using manual typewriters.

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