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Brand: Remington
Product Code: TR687813
Availability: SOLD!

Price: $325.00
Ex Tax: $325.00

In the late fifties, early sixties, manufacturing in the US became unpopular.  It wasn't long after that companies discovered the slavery available in many Asian countries--and that's where all the factories moved.  (Around that time, the manufacturers also figured out how to make everything cheap and flimsy.)  But just before all this, some of the American typewriter companies had their products made in Holland, France, Germany, etc.,.  Such is the case with this Remington Travel Riter.

As you can see from the label, it was made in Holland.  And they did a good job.  It's solid, for how small and lite it is.  You can't get a real idea of this until you've pressed a couple of keys and compared it to some of the later models.

There's very little wear on this typewriter.  There's a few stains on the cover, but that's about it.  The case doesn't quite lock just properly.

It was a joy working on this machine.  I hope to get some more of them in stock, but I haven't seen any others yet.

If ordering outside the Cincinnati area, there'll be an added $30 for shipping.  If you're local, call me and set up an appointment, and I can give you a full demonstration, along with a crash-course on using manual typewriters.

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